Artist in various media, born in Croydon, Surrey. She studied at Brighton Polytechnic, 1973–6, gaining an honours degree, obtaining her master’s at Chelsea School of Art, 1976–7. Twice nominated for the Turner Prize, Chadwick unsettled many with her concentration on subjects such as defecation and decay. Piss Flowers, 1994, was a series of 12 bronzes cast from holes in the snow where she and her partner had urinated. She was in the group shows Long Live the New Flesh, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, and Postmodern Prints, at Victoria & Albert Museum, both 1991; and in Twelve Stars, Belfast Arts Council Gallery and tour, 1992–3, which showed her Self Portrait, 1991, in ciba transparency, aluminium on glass, electrics, acquired for the European Parliament Collection.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)