Painter producing landscapes and seascapes with a strong abstract element who did a foundation course at Winchester School of Art, 1995–6, then graduated there with an honours degree in fine art, painting, 1996–9. Group exhibitions included Seven of the Best, Jersey Arts Centre, 1997; Perceptions 2 – Art in the Frame, Sanctuary Restaurant, Jersey, 1999; Garden Seascape Series, Mourier House, Jersey, 2000–1; Quintessence, David Hicks Antiques, Jersey, sponsored by Lloyds TSB, and Oliver Contemporary, both 2002; and Sussex Open, Brighton & Hove Museum, 2003. Had a solo exhibition, St Ouen’s Bay – The Submerged Forest, Jersey Arts Centre, sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2002. Commissions included Jersey Telecoms, cover for telephone directory, 1997; Jersey Telecoms phonecard for the Millennium (winning design), 1999; and chief officer, Policy and Resources Department, paintings for office, 2000.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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