Josselin Bodley (1893-1974) was a well-known painter in oils of archictectural subjects, landscapes and some interiors. He was a son of the English historian J E C Bodley. Bodley studied art in Paris and served with distinction in World War 1 in and around Ypres in Belgium where he was wounded and was awarded the Military Cross for his courage. He painted extensively in France in the 1920s and early 1930s and his work was shown regularly at the prestigious Galerie Bernheim Jeune in Paris, at the Marie Harriman Gallery in New York, and also in London at The Leicester Galleries, where he had one man shows in 1933, 1935 and 1937, and at the Beaux Arts Galleries. During the 1930s he spent some time painting in England and also worked in Belgium, Italy and North Africa.
Text source: Grant Waters