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2 artworks

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Westray Heritage Centre, which opened in 1997 and was extended in 2008, houses only a small number of paintings. The main collection consists of a large variety of photographs of local interest. The painting of the SS ‘Earl Thorfinn’ commemorates a trip during a hurricane in January 1953 which forced the ship off course, ending up in Aberdeen instead of Kirkwall. With no radio on board there was no way of informing anyone what was happening to the ship. The painting was donated to Westray Heritage Centre by Captain H. Flett. Reverend George Reid was minister of the United Reformed Congregation during the ‘Sheepie Kirk’ years of 1823–1861. When the new United Reformed building was completed in 1899 the adjoining hall was dedicated to Reverend Reid's memory and his portrait hung there until the church closed in 2009. It was then donated to Westray Heritage Trust. Reverend Reid was well-known for encouraging educational development. Also on display is a portrait of James Stewart (1810–1858) by John Watson Gordon, on loan from Orkney Museum.

Pierowall, Westray, Orkney Islands KW17 2BZ Scotland

01857 677414

Westray Heritage Centre is open daily from May until September and at various limited times during the winter: Sunday 1.30pm–5.30pm, Tuesday to Saturday 10am–12pm, 2pm–5pm. The portrait of Reverend Reid is archived but can be viewed by request.