The Essex Police Museum was established in 1991 as a registered charity (No.1042055). Its aim is to preserve the history of Essex Police and provide visitors with a friendly and educational service, with information on how Essex Police has developed to become what it is today.
The collection consists of objects, documents and photographs relating to the history of the force from 1840 to the present day. The majority of our paintings were commissioned for the Museum for displays and events. A special series of paintings were commissioned for Essex Police in 1990 for the force's 150th anniversary.
In 2005, Essex Police Museum opened to the public on a regular basis, all thanks to a £43,000 grant awarded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project included a new education programme (for children and adults) as well as a complete refurbishment of the displays, which have helped to increase our visitor numbers and make us more easily accessible.
Essex Police Museum is free and open to the public on Wednesdays, 1pm–4pm and the first Saturday of each month from 10.30am–3pm.
Groups can organise a visit on Monday to Friday in the daytime or evenings by appointment.
The majority of the Essex Police Museum collection is kept in storage. If you wish to view our paintings you should contact the Museum and book a visit.