Beccles and District Museum

Beccles and District Museum

Open to the public

Museum or gallery in Suffolk

3 artworks

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The museum collection covers Beccles and over 30 of its surrounding villages. It consists of a wide range of artefacts including archaeology and geology but mainly the Victorian period. It gathers together all aspects of life including social and domestic, trades and business (from shops to milling and farming). The collection also includes 1000s of photographs (some on view) and much historical data all of which can be made available on request (many family researchers from abroad do enquire by email).

Leman House, Ballygate, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9ND England

01502 715722

Open 1st April until 31st October, 2.15pm to 5pm daily except Mondays, when the museum is closed. Open on Bank Holidays during these months. There is no charge.