47 artworks by 40 artists

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Established in 2004, the University of Roehampton is one of the UK’s newest universities yet one with the oldest roots. The origins of the University’s four Colleges – Whitelands, Southlands, Digby Stuart and Froebel – lie in the nineteenth century, the oldest, Whitelands, being founded in 1841. From those early days when the Colleges were at the forefront of teacher education and pioneers of training women as teachers, the University now has a wide portfolio of courses, a world class reputation for research in Dance and Biological Anthropology and a very diverse and international student body. The University and constituent Colleges own a notable collection of art dating back three centuries incorporating an extensive range of media. The collection of oils is significant as the majority of the images trace the leadership of the Colleges and, more recently, of the University. All the portraits are on permanent display, to students and staff, enabling the current members of the University to understand its important heritage.