Lafite Joana Vasconcelos (b.1971)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor -
Le Carrosse (Red Carriage) Xavier Veilhan (b.1963)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor -
Serena Mary Dunn (b.1935), The Right Honourable The Lady Rothschild Michael Andrews (1928–1995)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor -
Lafite Joana Vasconcelos (b.1971)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor -
Brotherlines and Energy Gravity Richard Long (b.1945)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor -
English Garden Delights Edward Bawden (1903–1989)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor -
Head of a Man 1991 Lucian Freud (1922–2011)
National Trust, Waddesdon Manor - 323 more