
You will need:

  • thick card (for the back of the collagraph – this should be sturdy enough to have collage materials stuck onto it)
  • a range of collage materials with different textures such as corrugated cardboard, smooth cardboard, bubble wrap, woven or textured fabric scraps such as hessian or lace (anything with an interesting texture!)
  • relief printing ink (or thick paint) an ink roller and a paint tray (or piece of foil to roll out the ink on)
  • glue stick or PVA glue
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • paper for printing on such as sugar paper or cartridge paper
  • a photograph of a townscape (optional)


Step 1: Plan your townscape

Draw a townscape using only simple 2D shapes (such as triangles, squares, rectangles and circles).

You could draw a simple townscape from your imagination.

A city in simple shapes

© Art UK. Image credit: Art UK

A city in simple shapes

Or it might help to use a photograph. (There are lots of townscape photographs that can be freely downloaded from websites such as Pixaby.) Select a section of the photograph that you find interesting and draw the shapes that you see

Glasgow City Rooftops

Image credit: public domain via Piqsels

Glasgow City Rooftops

Step 2: Cut out shapes from collage materials

Using your drawing as a guide, cut out the shapes for your townscape from collage materials.

  • The shapes could be cut from a mix of flat card and textured materials.
  • Think about what texture you could use to suggest a tiled roof or the rough walls of a building.
  • Mix up your textures by putting smooth materials next to bumpy materials next to roughly textured materials.

Step 3: Glue and stick your shapes

Glue the back of the shapes and stick them onto the thick backing card to create a collaged relief. (You may need to wait for the glue to set before printing from it.)

Collagraph plate made from cardboard and textured collage materials

© Art UK. Image credit: Art UK

Collagraph plate made from cardboard and textured collage materials

Top tip! If you want to make lots of prints from your collagraph relief, brush a thin layer of waterproof PVA glue over your collage relief. This will help it to last longer.

Step 4: Ink and roll!

Roll out the printing ink onto a paint tray. If you don't have a tray, wrap kitchen foil around an old book to create a smooth surface for rolling out your ink.

  • You may need to roll your roller back and forward a few times. The ink should be thin and flat and not gloopy.
  • Then roll the ink over your collaged townscape. 

Step 5: Make your print

Place a piece of paper over the inked surface.

  • To press the paper down and ensure the ink is transferred, roll a clean roller across the back of the paper a few times. If you don't have a second roller, use a rolling pin or empty bottle to roll on the back of the paper instead, or gently rub the back of the paper with the back of a spoon.
  • Remove the inked paper and leave it to dry. Your print will be a mirror image of your collagraph design.

Collagraph of a townscape

© Art UK. Image credit: Art UK

Collagraph of a townscape

Variations and development ideas

Print onto a collaged background

To make a colourful collagraph, instead of printing onto plain paper, create a collaged background from scrap paper. (I have used scraps of tissue left over from other craft projects to make this background.)

Paper collage background

© Art UK. Image credit: Art UK

Paper collage background

Then follow the printing steps above to ink and print your textured relief collage onto your collaged paper.

Collagraph printed onto a collaged background

© Art UK. Image credit: Art UK

Collagraph printed onto a collaged background

Make a collagraph rubbing

Don't have printing ink or a roller (or you'd rather try a less messy activity)? Instead of printing from your textured collage, make a rubbing from it using crayons. Place a sheet of paper on top of your textured relief and gently scribble across the paper with a wax crayon.

The textures of your collage townscape will emerge through the paper. 

Collagraph rubbing of a townscape

© Art UK. Image credit: Art UK

Collagraph rubbing of a townscape

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