Partnership fees help us to sustain and grow Art UK for the benefit of all participating collections.
Fees are based on collection size, fees paid by other comparable collections and the revenue you generate through the Art UK Shop. For illustration, local volunteer-run museums usually start at Green level, and nationals generally start at Gold level.
Partnership fees
Green £55
Yellow £110
Red £265
Blue £530
Gold £1,060
Gold Plus £1,600
Platinum £2,650
Diamond £5,300
Collections will be asked to move up a partnership level if they generate additional revenue through the Art UK Shop.
Art UK Shop revenue allowances
Green <£500
Yellow £501–£1,000
Red £1,001–£1,500
Blue £1,501–£2,500
Gold £2,501–£5,000
Gold Plus £5,001–£10,000
Platinum £10,001–£15,000
Diamond >£15,000