Art UK was excited to launch Tagger in the summer of 2022.

Tagger is a crowdsourcing initiative in which users of Art UK are invited to tag artworks with descriptive words. Tags only go live once they are verified by others, making it an easy, collaborative and safe process.

The best way to learn how to use Tagger is to jump in and get started, but a guidance page is available.

Most of the artworks on Art UK only have a small number of tags, while many artworks have no tags at all. Therefore, Taggers contribute to making Art UK more searchable by identifying things, places, people and events. Taggers may also discover new art and artists along the way.

Art UK is working on a way to share tag data with collections. In the meantime, collections can encourage people – their friends and the local public, for example – to engage with their art and tag their collection, by sharing a bespoke link.

To get the correct link:

  • Go to the artwork search page
  • Start typing the venue or collection name; choose the suggested result under 'Venue' or 'Collection'
  • Once the filter has been applied, click 'Start tagging'
  • Copy the URL from the address bar at the top. This will look something like: 

  • If needed, a free link-shortening service like TinyUrl or Bitly could then be used to turn this long URL into a short, shareable link