Anna is primarily responsible for the national collection of works of art on paper, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland Gifted Collection, the Troubles Art Archive and some aspects of the wider fine art collection. Her two main areas of research focus on redressing the underrepresentation of women artists from 1750 to present and the essential role of artists as activists. She is pursuing a part- time PHD through Belfast School of Art (funded by Northern Bridge) that focuses on women painters associated with the north of Ireland between 1957 and 1969. Alice Berger Hammerschlag is the central figure to this research.

Anna is co-lead of the Northern Irish Art Network, a British Art Network research group supported by Tate and Paul Mellon. She has a keen interest in interdisciplinary practice and sits on the steering group for the UKRI-funded Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland project at Queen’s University Belfast, and an advisory project panel for the Rural Community Network. Much of Anna’s wider curatorial practice explores partnerships and collaboration through loan exhibitions, and projects such as Ekphrasis: Poetry & Art with the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen’s University Belfast.

Anna Liesching