War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial

Image credit: Sarah Rider / Art UK

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A statue of a soldier is depicted in full battle dress, carrying a backpack and with additional kit slung from his belt. He stands at ease, resting both hands on the muzzle of his rifle. It is mounted on a tall pedestal resting on a square base and is flanked to the south by a pair of tapering pillars set on square bases and bearing the names of the fallen of the Second World War. The pedestal bears relief panels on the sides. The western panel depicts a naval gun crew, while that on the east depicts a group of pilots surrounding a biplane. The names of the dead are recorded on six bronze panels mounted on the front (south) and rear (north) of the pedestal.

War Memorial




stone & Portland stone

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased by public subscription

Work type

War memorial


Chesham Town Council


Chesham Town Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Unveiling date

29th June 1921

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

front: TO THE / GLORIOUS MEMORY / OF THE MEN OF / THIS TOWN WHO / GAVE THEIR LIVES / AND TO HONOUR / ALL WHO SERVED / OR SUFFERED IN / THE CAUSE OF GOD / KING AND COUNTRY / THEIR DEEDS LIVE AFTER THEM / FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH / 1914 - 1918 (followed by names); on each of the two pillars either side of the main statue: 1939-1945 (followed by names underneath)


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Located at

The Broadway, Chesham


Located in the centre.