The Old Master
The Old Master

Image credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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An interior with figures. The scene is set in a Victorian parlour, in the centre of which has been placed a coffin. There is a large white sheet over the end of it. To the left, in front of it, sits an old woman, the widow, in an armchair. She is dressed in black with a white bonnet, her hands clasped on her lap. On the extreme left, at the head of the coffin stands a young girl in black, looking at the old woman. Behind the coffin stand two men talking; one is dressed in brown country clothes, the other in a light coloured jacket over his clothes. In the centre of the picture stands an elderly man in a blue country smock, his straw boater in his left hand. His right hand rests gently on the coffin, and he looks down into it with an expression of sadness on his face.

Nottingham City Museums & Galleries



The Old Master




oil on canvas


H 111.8 x W 160 cm

Accession number

NCM 1885-1

Acquisition method

purchased from the artist, 1885

Work type


Inscription description


Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG2 3NG England

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