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Exhibition the art of thinking paper type:heritage white printing:a mixture of hand painted photopake on tracing film separations and posterized photographic separations on orthofilm. both the images on the print were taken from an old american mail order catalogue. the boneball boots are posterized in four stages - on the top right hand side only one stage is printed over a flat background. on the top left the same stage is painted over the same flat background but in a darker tone. the bottom left two tones are printedover the flat background and on the bottom right all four tones are printed overthe flat background but in more than one colour. the image of the two hands withthe stocking is again from a three stage posterized separation on a background of two tones, one under the stocking, one under the hands, and each of the posterized separations is blended from the top to bottom.

Aberdeen Art Gallery


Sheer Misty Morning




screenprint on paper

Accession number


Acquisition method

The Peacock Archive, 1988.

Work type



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Aberdeen Art Gallery

Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1FQ Scotland

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