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Nottingham Castle
From exploring the caves that snake beneath the Castle, to firing a virtual longbow in Robin Hood Adventures, you’ll find no shortage of things to do during your visit.
Head of an Old Man 1930s Mervyn Peake (1911–1968)Head of an Old Man 1930s Nottingham Castle
c.1932 (Bistre 11) c.1932 Ben Nicholson (1894–1982)c.1932 (Bistre 11) c.1932 Nottingham Castle
Painting 1982 Christopher Le Brun (b.1951)Painting 1982 Nottingham Castle
Green Landscape with Gate c.1943 Victor Pasmore (1908–1998)Green Landscape with Gate c.1943 Nottingham Castle
The Arrest 1927 Laurence Stephen Lowry (1887–1976)The Arrest 1927 Nottingham Castle
Nottingham Old Market Place c.1920 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Nottingham Old Market Place c.1920 Nottingham Castle
The Moorish Wall, Cyprus 1948 David Bomberg (1890–1957)The Moorish Wall, Cyprus 1948 Nottingham Castle
Miss Thompson (Miss Patricia Thompson) 1932 Laura Knight (1877–1970)Miss Thompson (Miss Patricia Thompson) 1932 Nottingham Castle
Jewish Refugee, Vienna 1938 David Jagger (1891–1958)Jewish Refugee, Vienna 1938 Nottingham Castle
The Mummers 1951 Richard Ernst Eurich (1903–1992)The Mummers 1951 Nottingham Castle
Yvonne 1922 Augustus Edwin John (1878–1961)Yvonne 1922 Nottingham Castle
Brittany Coast, France 1963 John Piper (1903–1992)Brittany Coast, France 1963 Nottingham Castle
The Goose Fair, Nottingham 1926 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)The Goose Fair, Nottingham 1926 Nottingham Castle
Almería, Spain 1951 Tristram Paul Hillier (1905–1983)Almería, Spain 1951 Nottingham Castle
The Manicure 1933 Harold Knight (1874–1961)The Manicure 1933 Nottingham Castle
Three Stones 1968 Marion Elizabeth Adnams (1898–1995)Three Stones 1968 Nottingham Castle
Landscape, Cookham Dean, Berkshire c.1939 Stanley Spencer (1891–1959)Landscape, Cookham Dean, Berkshire c.1939 Nottingham Castle
Untitled Margaret Benyon (b.1940)Untitled Nottingham Castle
Fine Feathers 1939 Laura Knight (1877–1970)Fine Feathers 1939 Nottingham Castle
Peonies c.1939 Stanley Spencer (1891–1959)Peonies c.1939 Nottingham Castle