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In and around Le Rât II Heath Hearn (b.1966) and Katy Brown (b.1976)In and around Le Rât II The Elms
Mrs Morel unknown artistMrs Morel The Elms
Esther La Cloche, née Patriarche (1732–1801) unknown artistEsther La Cloche, née Patriarche (1732–1801) 16 New Street
The Reverend Jean La Cloche (1740–1811) unknown artistThe Reverend Jean La Cloche (1740–1811) 16 New Street
Apple Crusher at 'The Elms' Susan HudsonApple Crusher at 'The Elms' The Elms
Tides Out Heath Hearn (b.1966)Tides Out The Elms
Portrait of a Young Boy of the Larbelestier Family with a Fob Chain unknown artistPortrait of a Young Boy of the Larbelestier Family with a Fob Chain The Elms
Farm Buildings from the West at Maupertuis Farm c.1900 Richard Goldie Crawford (1871–1941)Farm Buildings from the West at Maupertuis Farm c.1900 The Elms
Bunching Flowers in the Press House at Maupertuis Farm Richard Goldie Crawford (1871–1941)Bunching Flowers in the Press House at Maupertuis Farm The Elms
Mr Morel 1845 Ann Beaumont (1798–1866)Mr Morel 1845 The Elms
In the Kitchen at Quétivel Mill 2002 Jason Butler (b.1970)In the Kitchen at Quétivel Mill 2002 The Elms
Milling at Quétivel Mill 2002 Jason Butler (b.1970)Milling at Quétivel Mill 2002 The Elms
Dr William de Beauvoir la Cloche, Holding a Scroll Dated 1722 c.1680 unknown artistDr William de Beauvoir la Cloche, Holding a Scroll Dated 1722 c.1680 The Elms