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Abstract 2007 Prestwich Creative Living Centre and CymelAbstract 2007 North Manchester General Hospital
White Cliffs 2007 Riley and Prestwich Creative Living CentreWhite Cliffs 2007 North Manchester General Hospital
Blue Sea 2007 Roma V. and Prestwich Creative Living CentreBlue Sea 2007 North Manchester General Hospital
Stampede c.1989 Pat Johnson (active c.1989)Stampede c.1989 The Royal Oldham Hospital
Stampede c.1989 Pat Johnson (active c.1989)Stampede c.1989 The Royal Oldham Hospital
Crumpsall Hospital Liam David Spencer (b.1964)Crumpsall Hospital North Manchester General Hospital
Water Lilies unknown artistWater Lilies The Royal Oldham Hospital
Snow Scene unknown artistSnow Scene The Royal Oldham Hospital
View of the Sea 2007 S. Aston and Prestwich Creative Living CentreView of the Sea 2007 North Manchester General Hospital
Still Life with Chair 1993 Mark Coverdale (b.1977)Still Life with Chair 1993 The Royal Oldham Hospital
Stampede c.1989 Pat Johnson (active c.1989)Stampede c.1989 The Royal Oldham Hospital
Papier-mâché Nick LambPapier-mâché The Royal Oldham Hospital
Doves unknown artistDoves The Royal Oldham Hospital
Ducks in Reeds unknown artistDucks in Reeds The Royal Oldham Hospital
Stormy Sea 2007 Angela Corbett and Prestwich Creative Living CentreStormy Sea 2007 North Manchester General Hospital
Stampede c.1989 Pat Johnson (active c.1989)Stampede c.1989 The Royal Oldham Hospital
Tree unknown artistTree The Royal Oldham Hospital
Abstract Spots unknown artistAbstract Spots North Manchester General Hospital
Flowers unknown artistFlowers The Royal Oldham Hospital
Woodland unknown artistWoodland The Royal Oldham Hospital