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Robert Havell
Family of Turkeys c.1835 Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Family of Turkeys c.1835 Natural History Museum
Hawk Attacked by an Eagle c.1835 Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Hawk Attacked by an Eagle c.1835 Natural History Museum
Turkey Cock c.1835 Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Turkey Cock c.1835 Natural History Museum
Bird of Washington c.1835 Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Bird of Washington c.1835 Natural History Museum
Large Billed Puffin Close Up 1827–1833 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Large Billed Puffin Close Up 1827–1833 John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Great Blue Heron 1827–1834 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Great Blue Heron 1827–1834 John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Red-Tailed Hawk 1827–1831 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Red-Tailed Hawk 1827–1831 John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Caroline Parrot 1827–1830 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Caroline Parrot 1827–1830 John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Flamingo 1827–1832 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Flamingo 1827–1832 John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Plate CCCCXXIV [424]: Lazuli Finch, Fringilla Amoena, Say, / I. Female.; Crimson-necked Bull-Finch, Pyrrhula Frontalis, Bonap. 2, Male.;... 1838 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate CCCCXXIV [424]: Lazuli Finch, Fringilla Amoena, Say, / I. Female.; Crimson-necked Bull-Finch, Pyrrhula Frontalis, Bonap. 2, Male.; Grey-crowned Linnet, Linaria Tephrocotis, Swains, 3. Male.; Cow-pen Bird, Icterus Pecoris, Bonap, 4. Young Male.; Evening Grosbeak, Fringilla Yespertina, Cooper, 5, Female, 6. Young Male.; Brown Longspur, Plectrophanes Townsendi, Aud. 7, 1838 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate 78: Great Carolina Wren, Male 1. F. 2. Troglodytes Ludovicianus, Plant Vulgo Dwarf horse Chesnut [sic],. Aesculus Pavia. 1830 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate 78: Great Carolina Wren, Male 1. F. 2. Troglodytes Ludovicianus, Plant Vulgo Dwarf horse Chesnut [sic],. Aesculus Pavia. 1830 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate CCCCVIII [408]: American Scoter Duck, Fuligula Americana, Male, I. Female, 2. 1838 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate CCCCVIII [408]: American Scoter Duck, Fuligula Americana, Male, I. Female, 2. 1838 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate 39: Crested Titmouse, Male. I. F. 2. Parus Bicolor. Plant, Pinus Strobus. 1828 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate 39: Crested Titmouse, Male. I. F. 2. Parus Bicolor. Plant, Pinus Strobus. 1828 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate 97: Mottled Owl, Adult I. Young 2. 3. Strix Asio, Plant Pinus inops. Vulgo Jersey Pine. 1830 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate 97: Mottled Owl, Adult I. Young 2. 3. Strix Asio, Plant Pinus inops. Vulgo Jersey Pine. 1830 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate CCCCVI [406]: Trumpeter Swan, Cygnus Buccinator. Richardson. Adult. 1838 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate CCCCVI [406]: Trumpeter Swan, Cygnus Buccinator. Richardson. Adult. 1838 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate CCCCI [401]: Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus Serrator, L. Male, I. Female 2. Plant Sarracenia flava. 1838 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate CCCCI [401]: Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus Serrator, L. Male, I. Female 2. Plant Sarracenia flava. 1838 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate CCCCXII [412]: Violet-green Cormorant Phalacrocorax resplendens, Aud. Female in Winter.; Townsend's Cormorant, Phalacrocorax... 1838 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate CCCCXII [412]: Violet-green Cormorant Phalacrocorax resplendens, Aud. Female in Winter.; Townsend's Cormorant, Phalacrocorax townsendi, Aud. Male. 1838 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate 98 (misnumbered): Marsh Wren, Male I. F. 2 & 3. Nest 4. Troglodytes Palustris. 1830 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate 98 (misnumbered): Marsh Wren, Male I. F. 2 & 3. Nest 4. Troglodytes Palustris. 1830 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate 28: Vireo Solitarius, Male, 1. F. 2. Solitary Flycatcher. Plant Vulgo Cane. 1827–1830 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate 28: Vireo Solitarius, Male, 1. F. 2. Solitary Flycatcher. Plant Vulgo Cane. 1827–1830 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Plate 41: Ruffed Grous. [sic] Male I&2. F. 3. Tetrao Umbellus. Vulgo Pheasant. 1828 John James Audubon (1785–1851) and Robert Havell (1792/1793–1878)Plate 41: Ruffed Grous. [sic] Male I&2. F. 3. Tetrao Umbellus. Vulgo Pheasant. 1828 The Fitzwilliam Museum