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Thomas Hardy
Novelist and poet.
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928), OM 1920 William Strang (1859–1921)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928), OM 1920 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923 Augustus Edwin John (1878–1961)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Maquette of the Statue of Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) at the Top 'o Town c.1930–1931 Eric Henri Kennington (1888–1960)Maquette of the Statue of Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) at the Top 'o Town c.1930–1931 Dorset Museum & Art Gallery
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) Michael John Churchill Bowman (b.1943)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) The Thomas Hardye School
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1931 Eric Henri Kennington (1888–1960)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1931 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) Winifred Hope Thomson (1864–1944)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) The Thomas Hardye School
Thomas Hardy 1906 Jacques-Emile Blanche (1861–1942)Thomas Hardy 1906 Tate
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1914 Olive Edis (1876–1955)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1914 Cromer Museum
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1924 Reginald Grenville Eves (1876–1941)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1924 Birmingham Museums Trust
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1912 Mary Hardy (1841–1915)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1912 Dorset Museum & Art Gallery
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923 Reginald Grenville Eves (1876–1941)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923 Brighton & Hove Museums
Thomas Hardy 1923 Reginald Grenville Eves (1876–1941)Thomas Hardy 1923 National Portrait Gallery, London
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1917 Hamo Thornycroft (1850–1925)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1917 National Portrait Gallery, London
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) Hamo Thornycroft (1850–1925)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) Dorset Museum & Art Gallery
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1909 Hubert von Herkomer (1849–1914)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1909 Dorset Museum & Art Gallery
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1906 Jacques-Emile Blanche (1861–1942)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1906 Manchester Art Gallery
Thomas Hardy 1922 Walter William Ouless (1848–1933)Thomas Hardy 1922 National Portrait Gallery, London
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923–1924 Maggie Richardson Mitchell (1883–1953)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923–1924 Dorset Museum & Art Gallery
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923 Reginald Grenville Eves (1876–1941)Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) 1923 Towner
Thomas Hardy 1924 Reginald Grenville Eves (1876–1941)Thomas Hardy 1924 Tate