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Horse of the Year Show, 1966 1966 Joan Wanklyn (1924–1999)Horse of the Year Show, 1966 1966 The Royal Logistic Corps Museum
Orpheus and Pan Lucy Elizabeth Kemp-Welch (1869–1958)Orpheus and Pan Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
A Little Bit Tipsy, Christmas Eve, 1996 (The Old Hoss) 1996 William A. G. Ward (b.1926)A Little Bit Tipsy, Christmas Eve, 1996 (The Old Hoss) 1996 Richmond Town Hall
School Choir* unknown artistSchool Choir* Djanogly City Academy
String Music 1937 John Banting (1902–1972)String Music 1937 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
At the Piano c.1950 Alan Francis Clutton-Brock (1904–1976)At the Piano c.1950 Derbyshire & Derby School Library Service
Covent Garden Opera House, London 1961 Raymond Wylie (b.1935)Covent Garden Opera House, London 1961 Museum of London
Band in Hyde Park, London late 1940s–early 1950s Edward Le Bas (1904–1966)Band in Hyde Park, London late 1940s–early 1950s Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
The New Peal of Twelve Bells before Being Installed in St James's Church, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 1934 Bessie Rodway (1901–1996)The New Peal of Twelve Bells before Being Installed in St James's Church, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 1934 Trowbridge Museum
Brighton Street Musicians c.1951–1952 Philip Hubert Le Bas (1925–2015)Brighton Street Musicians c.1951–1952 Brighton & Hove Museums
Theatre Royal, Hyde, Tameside c.1926 Harry Rutherford (1903–1985)Theatre Royal, Hyde, Tameside c.1926 Astley Cheetham Art Gallery
The Solo 1874 Frederick Daniel Hardy (1827–1911)The Solo 1874 Touchstones Rochdale
Gracie Fields (1898–1979) 1998 Keith John Turley (b.1950)Gracie Fields (1898–1979) 1998 Touchstones Rochdale
Sarah Wesley Junior (1759–1823) 2007 David Ernest Keal (b.1930)Sarah Wesley Junior (1759–1823) 2007 Epworth Old Rectory
The Harp 1979 Michael Ginsborg (b.1943)The Harp 1979 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
The Four Singers of Vera 1931 William Russell Flint (1880–1969)The Four Singers of Vera 1931 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Red Army Ensemble 1963 Patrick Procktor (1936–2003)Red Army Ensemble 1963 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
The Hunting Horn Daphne Jameson (1942–2018)The Hunting Horn Falmouth Art Gallery
W, X, Y, Z 1993 unknown artistW, X, Y, Z 1993 Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
Joseph Rosenstock at Lewisohn Stadium 1966 Frederick John England (b.1939)Joseph Rosenstock at Lewisohn Stadium 1966 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Pop Star, '73 1973 John Judkins (b.1951)Pop Star, '73 1973 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Professor Eric Fenby (1906–1997), OBE, Musician, Composer and Musicologist 1980 Peter Kenneth Cowley Jackson (1930–2006)Professor Eric Fenby (1906–1997), OBE, Musician, Composer and Musicologist 1980 University of Bradford
Pipe Major James Wilson 1853 Daniel Cunliffe (1801–1871)Pipe Major James Wilson 1853 The Regimental Museum of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Massed Bands Stanley Llewelyn Wood (1867–1928)Massed Bands The Regimental Museum of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Peter Egan Kathleen Russell (b.1940)Peter Egan Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Jephtha and His Daughter 1650–1670 unknown artistJephtha and His Daughter 1650–1670 University of Aberdeen
Miss Dorothy Brook 1918 George Henry Grenville Manton (1855–1932)Miss Dorothy Brook 1918 Usher Gallery
Don Quixote and the Damsel on a Bier 1739 John Vanderbank (1694–1739)Don Quixote and the Damsel on a Bier 1739 English Heritage, Marble Hill House
Piano and Fish 1960–1985 Rosy Long (b.1947)Piano and Fish 1960–1985 University of Aberdeen
Saint Cecilia 1750–1806 Michele Rocca (1675–1751) (after)Saint Cecilia 1750–1806 University of Aberdeen
Music c.1660–1670 Francesco Cozza (1605–1682)Music c.1660–1670 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Morning 1861 Robert Inerarity Herdman (1829–1888)Morning 1861 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Two Seated Women with Musical Instruments late 17th C unknown artistTwo Seated Women with Musical Instruments late 17th C Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
A Girl at a Harpsichord c.1782 Mather Brown (1761–1831) (attributed to)A Girl at a Harpsichord c.1782 Pollok House
Portrait of a Musician c. 1570–1590 Italian (Cremonese) SchoolPortrait of a Musician c. 1570–1590 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
The Violin François Bonvin (1817–1887)The Violin The Burrell Collection
Mr Warmington, Acting Master (1950–1951 & 1965–1966) Peter Greenham (1909–1992)Mr Warmington, Acting Master (1950–1951 & 1965–1966) Birkbeck, University of London
Tower Colliery Miner c.1999 James Donovan (b.1974)Tower Colliery Miner c.1999 University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Bouquet 1952 Ceri Giraldus Richards (1903–1971)Bouquet 1952 Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
William Byrd of Stondon Place, Composer and Musician (1558–1625) c.1938 Henry Rushbury (1889–1968)William Byrd of Stondon Place, Composer and Musician (1558–1625) c.1938 Essex County Council