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James Barry
(b Cork, 11 Oct. 1741; d London, 22 Feb. 1806). Irish painter, active mainly in England. In 1763, in Dublin, he met Edmund Burke, an Irish-born statesman and writer (see Sublime), who encouraged him to move to London and financed a lengthy Continental visit (1766–71), which he spent mainly in Rome.
Text Source: The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists (Oxford University Press)
Self Portrait c.1777 James Barry (1741–1806)Self Portrait c.1777 Victoria and Albert Museum
James Barry; Dominique Lefevre; James Paine the Younger 1767 James Barry (1741–1806)James Barry; Dominique Lefevre; James Paine the Younger 1767 National Portrait Gallery, London
The Education of Achilles c.1772 James Barry (1741–1806)The Education of Achilles c.1772 Yale Center for British Art
King Lear Weeping over the Dead Body of Cordelia 1786–8 James Barry (1741–1806)King Lear Weeping over the Dead Body of Cordelia 1786–8 Tate
Elysium, or the State of Final Retribution 1777–1801 James Barry (1741–1806)Elysium, or the State of Final Retribution 1777–1801 Royal Society of Arts
Satan at the Abode of Chaos and Old Night c.1792–1795 James Barry (1741–1806)Satan at the Abode of Chaos and Old Night c.1792–1795 Royal Academy of Arts
Hendrickje Stoffels in a White Cloak James Barry (1741–1806)Hendrickje Stoffels in a White Cloak Royal Society of Arts
Commerce, or the Triumph of the Thames 1777–1801 James Barry (1741–1806)Commerce, or the Triumph of the Thames 1777–1801 Royal Society of Arts
A Grecian Harvest Home, or Thanksgiving to the Rural Deities, Ceres, Bacchus 1777–1783 James Barry (1741–1806)A Grecian Harvest Home, or Thanksgiving to the Rural Deities, Ceres, Bacchus 1777–1783 Royal Society of Arts
The Birth of Pandora 1791–1804 James Barry (1741–1806)The Birth of Pandora 1791–1804 Manchester Art Gallery
Samuel Johnson 1778–1780 James Barry (1741–1806)Samuel Johnson 1778–1780 National Portrait Gallery, London
Christopher Nugent (1698–1775), MD 1772 James Barry (1741–1806)Christopher Nugent (1698–1775), MD 1772 Victoria Art Gallery
Male Nude Sitting on a Rock c.1790s? James Barry (1741–1806)Male Nude Sitting on a Rock c.1790s? Royal Academy of Arts
William Hunter (1718–1783) c.1784 James Barry (1741–1806)William Hunter (1718–1783) c.1784 Royal College of Physicians, London
The Distribution of Premiums in the Society of Arts 1777–1801 James Barry (1741–1806)The Distribution of Premiums in the Society of Arts 1777–1801 Royal Society of Arts
Venus Anadyomene c.1772 James Barry (1741–1806)Venus Anadyomene c.1772 Ulster Museum
Jupiter Beguiled by Juno on Mount Ida 1790–1799 James Barry (1741–1806)Jupiter Beguiled by Juno on Mount Ida 1790–1799 Sheffield Museums
Orpheus 1777–1783 James Barry (1741–1806)Orpheus 1777–1783 Royal Society of Arts
Crowning the Victors at Olympia 1777–1783 James Barry (1741–1806)Crowning the Victors at Olympia 1777–1783 Royal Society of Arts
Elysium and Tartarus 1791 James Barry (1741–1806)Elysium and Tartarus 1791 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford