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Street Scene 1931 Philip Naviasky (1894–1983)Street Scene 1931 Pannett Art Gallery
Little Home 1952 Edna D. Bridge (active 1935–1955)Little Home 1952 St Michael's Hospital
Penzance from Newlyn 1914 Charles Walter Simpson (1885–1971)Penzance from Newlyn 1914 Penlee House Gallery & Museum
Winter Sun No. 1 1961–1962 Joan Kathleen Harding Eardley (1921–1963)Winter Sun No. 1 1961–1962 Birmingham Museums Trust
Almería, Spain 1951 Tristram Paul Hillier (1905–1983)Almería, Spain 1951 Nottingham Castle
Bothamsall’s Buildings, Nottinghamshire 1983 Liz Hayward (b.1949)Bothamsall’s Buildings, Nottinghamshire 1983 Bassetlaw District Council
Hanging out the Washing* Norman Stansfield Cornish (1919–2014)Hanging out the Washing* Hartlepool Museums and Heritage Service
Lyme Regis Frank Brangwyn (1867–1956)Lyme Regis Dundee Art Galleries and Museums Collection (Dundee City Council)
Ferryden c.1952 William Alexander Burns (1921–1972)Ferryden c.1952 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Village People 1952 Grégoire Michonze (1902–1982)Village People 1952 Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Pits to Peaks 1985 Chris Tunwell (b.1959) and Patients & Staff of the Occupational Therapy DeptPits to Peaks 1985 Chesterfield Royal Hospital
A London Evening 1933 Mary Adshead (1904–1995)A London Evening 1933 Victoria Gallery & Museum
Washing, Mexico 1998 Tony Dash (b.1945)Washing, Mexico 1998 Liverpool Women’s Hospital
The Slums of Venice Frank Brangwyn (1867–1956)The Slums of Venice Dundee Art Galleries and Museums Collection (Dundee City Council)
Hospitality, Haven Lane 1985 Charles Anthony Shiels (1947–2012)Hospitality, Haven Lane 1985 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Gathering on the Terrace at 47 Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London c.1924 Richard Carline (1896–1980)Gathering on the Terrace at 47 Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London c.1924 Ferens Art Gallery
Sharnbrook Vicarage, Bedfordshire 1968 Eric Trayler Cook (1893–1978)Sharnbrook Vicarage, Bedfordshire 1968 Bedfordshire and Luton Archives
A Street with Washing 1962 Peter Brook (1927–2009)A Street with Washing 1962 Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Crail Harbour 1879 Robert Weir Allan (1851–1942)Crail Harbour 1879 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Evening Light in a Spanish Garden Cosmo Clark (1897–1967)Evening Light in a Spanish Garden The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Tenements, Edinburgh c.1900 John Duncan Fergusson (1874–1961)Tenements, Edinburgh c.1900 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Roofs Ruth Collet (1909–2001)Roofs Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Shepherd Returning from the War Peter Brook (1927–2009)Shepherd Returning from the War Temple Newsam House, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Hildrith's Ghaut Hilda GibsonHildrith's Ghaut Whitby Museum
Oxlips c.1985 Diana Hoyle (1936–2017)Oxlips c.1985 St Michael's Hospital
Untitled 1987 Caroline Jenkinson (b.1965)Untitled 1987 University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design
Portuguese House 1967 David Alan Redpath Michie (1928–2015)Portuguese House 1967 City Art Centre
Paul Anderson (b.1970) 2002 Jennifer McRae (b.1959)Paul Anderson (b.1970) 2002 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Miners 1984 David S. Prudhoe (1948–2009)Miners 1984 National Coal Mining Museum for England
Cotswold Landscape 1942 Enslin Du Plessis (1894–1978)Cotswold Landscape 1942 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
A Wall in Naples about 1782 Thomas Jones (1742–1803)A Wall in Naples about 1782 The National Gallery, London
Washing on the Line 1903–1944 Percy Harland Fisher (1867–1944)Washing on the Line 1903–1944 Surrey Heath Museum
Landscape with Cottage 1966–1989 T. B. Mills (1906–1989)Landscape with Cottage 1966–1989 Horsham Museum & Art Gallery
Walberswick, Suffolk 1880 Alexandra Louise Nunn (1863–1928)Walberswick, Suffolk 1880 Felixstowe Museum
Cottage on Dulwich Common, a Windy Day 1846 David Cox the elder (1783–1859)Cottage on Dulwich Common, a Windy Day 1846 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
View at Blofield, near Norwich 1810–1811 John Crome (1768–1821)View at Blofield, near Norwich 1810–1811 Birmingham Museums Trust
Norfolk Afternoon Olive Cook (1912–2002)Norfolk Afternoon Fry Art Gallery
Untitled 1986–1988 Linda GardenUntitled 1986–1988 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Untitled c.1956 unknown artistUntitled c.1956 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Untitled 1960 Sylvia Wishart (1936–2008)Untitled 1960 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Near Castle Dragoni, Camogli, Italy c.1957 William McAllister Turner (1901–1976)Near Castle Dragoni, Camogli, Italy c.1957 Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries
Winter Sunshine 1932 Karl Hagedorn (1889–1969)Winter Sunshine 1932 Atkinson Art Gallery Collection
At the Cottage Door 1886 Charles Haigh Wood (1856–1927)At the Cottage Door 1886 Atkinson Art Gallery Collection
Cottages, Auchmithie 1984 Rhona A. MacBethCottages, Auchmithie 1984 Hospitalfield
A Cornish Village Myrtle Florence Broome (1888–1978)A Cornish Village Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Courtyard in Spain 1927–1929 Christopher HallCourtyard in Spain 1927–1929 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Washday 1867 or before Frederick Daniel Hardy (1827–1911)Washday 1867 or before Bantock House and Park
Morning, Cromford, Derbyshire 1938 Frank Wood (1904–1976)Morning, Cromford, Derbyshire 1938 Laing Art Gallery
John Burton (1799–1882) John Windass (1843–1938)John Burton (1799–1882) York Art Gallery
York from about Fishergate 1855–1865 British (English) SchoolYork from about Fishergate 1855–1865 York Art Gallery
Home in the Valley 1970s Tom C. Brown (1925–2006)Home in the Valley 1970s Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales
Staff Laundry, Rowcroft Liz Jones (b.1937)Staff Laundry, Rowcroft Rowcroft Hospice
Mellieħa Heights, Malta c.1960 Jack Clifford Metson (1905–1987)Mellieħa Heights, Malta c.1960 Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
Wet Rainbow Patrick Hughes (b.1939)Wet Rainbow Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Urban Washing* 1912 Edith C. Reynolds (1887–1967)Urban Washing* 1912 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Corral en Triana 1928 Francisco Hohenleiter (1889–1968)Corral en Triana 1928 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Washing Day 1926 Ralph Gordon Ellis (1885–1963)Washing Day 1926 Arundel Museum
Untitled 1967 Martin McLean Davidson (b.1944)Untitled 1967 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Untitled 1978 Angus MacDonald (active 1976–1978)Untitled 1978 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
The War Refugees' Camp, Earl's Court 1918 Henry Rushbury (1889–1968)The War Refugees' Camp, Earl's Court 1918 IWM (Imperial War Museums)
Washing Day 1889–1899 Arthur Studd (1863–1919)Washing Day 1889–1899 York Art Gallery
Monday 1959 Bryan Pearce (1929–2007)Monday 1959 Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Girl Holding a Cat unknown artistGirl Holding a Cat County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Washing Day at Lyons Cottages, Dorking, Surrey 1970s Stella Watson (1899–1985)Washing Day at Lyons Cottages, Dorking, Surrey 1970s Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre
Street Scene, Old Quarter, Tbilisi, Georgia c.2001 unknown artistStreet Scene, Old Quarter, Tbilisi, Georgia c.2001 Sheffield Hallam University
Old Hall Farm, Groby, Leicestershire 1950 Norman Ellis (1913–1971)Old Hall Farm, Groby, Leicestershire 1950 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Wharfedale from above Bolton Abbey c.1954 Anne Isabella Brooke (1916–2002)Wharfedale from above Bolton Abbey c.1954 Abbot Hall
Castle Mills, York 1895 George Fall (c.1848–1925)Castle Mills, York 1895 York Art Gallery
Stockwell, View from the Artist's Bedroom c.1975 Caroline Hill (1935–1983)Stockwell, View from the Artist's Bedroom c.1975 Scarborough Art Gallery
Bullerthorpe Farm Margery G. Newlove (b.1934)Bullerthorpe Farm Brampton Museum
Village Street 1890 Charles Greville Morris (1861–1922)Village Street 1890 Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Woman in a Kitchen c.1900–1909 Leandro Ramón Garrido (1868–1909)Woman in a Kitchen c.1900–1909 Pannett Art Gallery
Evie 1927 Arthur Royce Bradbury (1892–1977)Evie 1927 Poole Museum
Last Shift 1992 David Lawrence Carpanini (b.1946)Last Shift 1992 Royal West of England Academy (RWA)
Landscape c.1910 unknown artistLandscape c.1910 Hythe Local History Room and Town Hall
Sketch for 'Reconstruction' 1956 Dan Stephen (1921–2014)Sketch for 'Reconstruction' 1956 The Health Board – NHS Tayside
Durham 1896 George Reid (1841–1913)Durham 1896 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
A Patient at Home c.1953 Dorothy Mary Barber (1905–1997)A Patient at Home c.1953 Wellcome Collection
September 1915 Edmund Blair Leighton (1852–1922)September 1915 Laing Art Gallery
Falklands Michael S. Kitchen (1942–2023)Falklands Royal Military Police Museum