Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)
Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)
Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)
Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)
Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)
Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)
Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)

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Samuel Carruthers was a doctor amongst the poor of South East London. He was also one of the founder members of the Presbyterian Historical Society in 1914, editor of its journal from 1932 to 1935, librarian to 1952, and president from 1946 to 1961. He was known as an authority on the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Assembly of 1643 to 1653 and was awarded a PhD by the University of Edinburgh for his 1937 book on the Assembly. He died in 1962.

United Reformed Church History Society, Westminster College, Cambridge



Samuel William Carruthers (1865/6–1962)




bronze & marble


H 15.5 x W 9.8 x D 8.6 cm;
Plinth: H 7.7 x W 6.7 x D 5.3 cm

Accession number


Work type


Signature/marks description

inscribed on the shoulder: E. H. P. 1947

Inscription description

detached plaque: PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / S. W. CARUTHERS M.D. Ph.D / 1866–1962 / FOUNDER MEMBER / Editor of Journal 1932–1935 / Librarian to 1952. President 1946–1961


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United Reformed Church History Society, Westminster College, Cambridge

Madingley Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB3 0AA England

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