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Accented Landscape, Series 2 1980 Lancelot Ribeiro (1933–2010)Accented Landscape, Series 2 1980 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Grid Dancing 1998–2000 Grace Gardner (1920–2013)Grid Dancing 1998–2000 Falmouth Art Gallery
58 Flavors (Parade Series) c.1982 Grace Gardner (1920–2013)58 Flavors (Parade Series) c.1982 Falmouth Art Gallery
Interior 1998 Danny Horner (b.1974)Interior 1998 Coventry University
'Black is the colour of my true love's heart' 2000 Grace Gardner (1920–2013)'Black is the colour of my true love's heart' 2000 Falmouth Art Gallery
Getting to Know Red (Spectrum Series) Grace Gardner (1920–2013)Getting to Know Red (Spectrum Series) Falmouth Art Gallery
Four Seasons, for the Atmos Millennium Clock 2000 Benedict Rubbra (1938–2024)Four Seasons, for the Atmos Millennium Clock 2000 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Curvilinear Directions II 1980 Lancelot Ribeiro (1933–2010)Curvilinear Directions II 1980 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Song of Orpheus IV 1978 Bridget Riley (b.1931)Song of Orpheus IV 1978 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Ilmatar 1966–1967 Jeffrey Steele (1931–2021)Ilmatar 1966–1967 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Praetorius 1966 Michael Tyzack (1933–2007)Praetorius 1966 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Striped Painting 1997 Peter Davies (b.1970)Striped Painting 1997 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Orange, Blue, Pink and Green No. 2 1965 Michael Kidner (1917–2009)Orange, Blue, Pink and Green No. 2 1965 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Yellow, Violet, Light Red and Blue 1967 Michael Kidner (1917–2009)Yellow, Violet, Light Red and Blue 1967 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
The Wave 1968 Jeffrey Harris (b.1932)The Wave 1968 New County Hall
The Smiling Amazon 1933 Alexander Christie (1901–1946)The Smiling Amazon 1933 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Mrs Alfred Holt c.1930 David Alison (1882–1955)Mrs Alfred Holt c.1930 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Ribbon Painting 1967 Alan Wood (1935–2017)Ribbon Painting 1967 New County Hall
Saratoga 1967 Michael Tyzack (1933–2007)Saratoga 1967 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Shift c.1965 Bruce Downey (b.1944)Shift c.1965 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum