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Portsmouth 1988 Alan Stones (b.1947)Portsmouth 1988 Portsmouth Museums and Visitor Services
General Sir Edwin Beaumont Johnson (1825–1893) 1838 Charles Foot Tayler (1794–1853)General Sir Edwin Beaumont Johnson (1825–1893) 1838 English Heritage, Kenwood
Summer and Youth second quarter of 19th C Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844) (after)Summer and Youth second quarter of 19th C English Heritage, Osborne House
Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Carnation 16th C Italian SchoolPortrait of a Young Man Holding a Carnation 16th C Victoria and Albert Museum
Captain H. B. Murray, as a Youth c.1859 Samuel Lane (1780–1859)Captain H. B. Murray, as a Youth c.1859 Victoria and Albert Museum
Henry E. Malet unknown artistHenry E. Malet Dillington House
William Orpen Levitating 1897–1900 Augustus Edwin John (1878–1961)William Orpen Levitating 1897–1900 Yale Center for British Art
Waiting on the Platform 1980 Fermin Rocker (1907–2004)Waiting on the Platform 1980 Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Portrait of a Young Man with Closed Eyes mid-20th C (?) unknown artistPortrait of a Young Man with Closed Eyes mid-20th C (?) King's College London
Sketch for 'Summer Evening' c.1900 Henry Scott Tuke (1858–1929)Sketch for 'Summer Evening' c.1900 Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Documents No. 5 1997–1998 Boris Zaborov (1935–2021)Documents No. 5 1997–1998 Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
A Drink at the Pool 1926 Charles March Gere (1869–1957)A Drink at the Pool 1926 Royal Watercolour Society
Portrait of a young Man with a Skull c. 1510–1515 Bernardino Licinio (c.1489–c.1565)Portrait of a young Man with a Skull c. 1510–1515 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
The Garden of Love about 1535-50 Bernardino da Asola (active c.1525–1550) (attributed to)The Garden of Love about 1535-50 The National Gallery, London
Portrait of a Young Man in Red probably about 1480-90 Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449–1494)Portrait of a Young Man in Red probably about 1480-90 The National Gallery, London
Cabin Boy Henry Scott Tuke (1858–1929)Cabin Boy Hampshire Cultural Trust Headquarters, Winchester (Hampshire County Council’s Fine Art Collection)
Portrait of a Young Man Patrick Collins (1910–1994)Portrait of a Young Man Ulster Museum
A Young Draughtsman 1767 British SchoolA Young Draughtsman 1767 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Bacchus 1867 Simeon Solomon (1840–1905)Bacchus 1867 Birmingham Museums Trust
Façade Bracket Carvings 1889 unknown artistFaçade Bracket Carvings 1889 St Leonard's Close, Bridgnorth, Shropshire