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Hospitality, Haven Lane 1985 Charles Anthony Shiels (1947–2012)Hospitality, Haven Lane 1985 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Booth Hall Steven Scholes (b.1951)Booth Hall Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Scene of the Gatehouse at Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1918 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Scene of the Gatehouse at Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire 1918 Louth Museum
Miss A. E. Vallely, MBE, SRN, RMN, Matron of the Royal Hospital Chelsea (1984–1993) 1990 Robert DarbyMiss A. E. Vallely, MBE, SRN, RMN, Matron of the Royal Hospital Chelsea (1984–1993) 1990 The Royal Hospital Chelsea
Composition with Four Female Figures 1999 Chloé Morrison (b.1979)Composition with Four Female Figures 1999 UCL Art Museum
House with Figures 1963 Frank Forty (1902–1996)House with Figures 1963 Edgware Community Hospital
Portrait of a Nurse 1965 Eric Meadus (1931–1970)Portrait of a Nurse 1965 Southampton City Art Gallery
Doctor and Sister Hot Air Ballooning 1994 Yasmin BillinghurstDoctor and Sister Hot Air Ballooning 1994 Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Milton Keynes General Hospital at Work 2000 2002 Michael Croker (b.1965)Milton Keynes General Hospital at Work 2000 2002 Milton Keynes University Hospital
Care of Wounded Soldiers at Cardiff Royal Infirmary during the Great War 1916 Margaret Lindsay Williams (1888–1960)Care of Wounded Soldiers at Cardiff Royal Infirmary during the Great War 1916 Cardiff Royal Infirmary
The Patient Joyce W. Cairns (b.1947)The Patient University of Aberdeen
Ruston Ward, Lincoln County Hospital 1891 Mary Henrietta Dering Curtois (1854–1929)Ruston Ward, Lincoln County Hospital 1891 Usher Gallery
Milton Keynes General Hospital at Work 2000 2002 Michael Croker (b.1965)Milton Keynes General Hospital at Work 2000 2002 Milton Keynes University Hospital
The Durham County Council Centenary 1989 Julian Cooper (b.1947)The Durham County Council Centenary 1989 Durham County Council
Nurse at Work unknown artistNurse at Work West Cornwall Hospital
Surgeons at Work 1994 Carmel Cauchi (b.1927)Surgeons at Work 1994 George Eliot Hospital Chapel
Convalescence 1980 Jozef Szubert (1898–1984)Convalescence 1980 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Sister Louisa Mills (1921–1962), MBE, Ulster Hospital for Children and Women 1967 G. D. McFaddenSister Louisa Mills (1921–1962), MBE, Ulster Hospital for Children and Women 1967 Ulster Hospital
Naval Base: Women's Royal Naval Service Sick Bay 1942 Leslie Cole (1910–1976)Naval Base: Women's Royal Naval Service Sick Bay 1942 Southampton City Art Gallery
Christine Baylis (b.1949), Artist, Wife, Mother, Nurse 2006 Catherine Finnis-Gray (b.1944)Christine Baylis (b.1949), Artist, Wife, Mother, Nurse 2006 Coventry University