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A Farmyard 19th C George Morland (1763–1804) (style of)A Farmyard 19th C Victoria and Albert Museum
Feeding Time in the Farmyard 1793 George Morland (1763–1804) (after)Feeding Time in the Farmyard 1793 Judges' Lodgings, Lancaster
Horses in a Stable 1956 James Downie Robertson (1931–2010)Horses in a Stable 1956 Edinburgh College of Art (University of Edinburgh)
'Walton' 1812 James Ward (1769–1859)'Walton' 1812 English Heritage, Brodsworth Hall
The Stables at Moyns Park 1969 Stanley Victor Gilbert (1915–2008)The Stables at Moyns Park 1969 Birdbrook Community House
Langley Park Colliery, County Durham Robert John Heslop (1907–1988)Langley Park Colliery, County Durham Durham County Council
'Oxygen' John Frederick Herring I (1795–1865)'Oxygen' The National Horseracing Museum
Stable Scene George Morland (1763–1804)Stable Scene Museum of Gloucester
The White Horse Alexis Joseph Pérignon (1806–1882)The White Horse The Burrell Collection
Feeding the Calves William R. KeanFeeding the Calves Moorlands House, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Horse Working in a Harness unknown artistHorse Working in a Harness Beamish, The North of England Open Air Museum
'Orion', a Chestnut Hunter Outside a Stable 1831 John E. Ferneley I (1782–1860)'Orion', a Chestnut Hunter Outside a Stable 1831 Brooke Robinson Museum
Charcoal Burners Douglas Percy Bliss (1900–1984)Charcoal Burners Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Nativity possibly 17th C Dutch School (attributed to)Nativity possibly 17th C Ferens Art Gallery
The Smallholdings, Woodmansterne, Surrey 1970–1990 Dorice Marion Underwood (1922–1992)The Smallholdings, Woodmansterne, Surrey 1970–1990 Sutton Central Library
A Horse unknown artistA Horse Beamish, The North of England Open Air Museum
Study of a Pony 1897 Alfred James Munnings (1878–1959)Study of a Pony 1897 Norfolk Museums Service
18th Hussar Charger 'Hussar' 1878 Harry Hall (c.1814–1882)18th Hussar Charger 'Hussar' 1878 The Regimental Museum of The 13th/18th Royal Hussars (QMO) and The Light Dragoons
Kilmardinny Riding School 1966 Joan Barron (1919–2010)Kilmardinny Riding School 1966 Lillie Art Gallery
Sandon Place 1949 Lynton Harold Lamb (1907–1977)Sandon Place 1949 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre