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Sir Richard Edgcumbe (1639–1688) Peter Lely (1618–1680)Sir Richard Edgcumbe (1639–1688) Mount Edgcumbe House
Mrs J. A. Hill, Last Mayor of Fowey c.1968 Sidney HillMrs J. A. Hill, Last Mayor of Fowey c.1968 Fowey Museum
Cromwell's First Appearance in Parliament c.1867–1868 David Wilkie Wynfield (1837–1887)Cromwell's First Appearance in Parliament c.1867–1868 Looe Guildhall
Portrait of a Lady unknown artistPortrait of a Lady Ingestre Hall Residential Arts Centre
John Talbot, 16th Earl of Shrewsbury and Waterford (1791–1852) 1832 Johann Konrad Hamburger (1809–1871)John Talbot, 16th Earl of Shrewsbury and Waterford (1791–1852) 1832 Ingestre Hall Residential Arts Centre
Portrait of a Gentleman Dressed in Black c.1680 Frans van Mieris the elder (1635–1681) (school of)Portrait of a Gentleman Dressed in Black c.1680 Fairfax House
Princess Amelia Sophia (1711–1786) 1728 Philippe Mercier (1689–1760)Princess Amelia Sophia (1711–1786) 1728 Hertford Magistrates' Court
Portrait of a Gentleman, Holding a Red Rose 17th C British (English) SchoolPortrait of a Gentleman, Holding a Red Rose 17th C Mount Edgcumbe House
Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Sandwich (1644–1689) Peter Lely (1618–1680) (studio of)Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Sandwich (1644–1689) Mount Edgcumbe House
Sir Richard Edgcumbe (1639–1688) Godfrey Kneller (1646–1723)Sir Richard Edgcumbe (1639–1688) Mount Edgcumbe House
Lady with a Book 1887 A. W. RichardsonLady with a Book 1887 Beamish, The North of England Open Air Museum
Queen Anne (1665–1714) 1703 John Closterman (1660–1711)Queen Anne (1665–1714) 1703 Windsor Guildhall
Queen Marie Leszczyńska (1703–1768), Consort to Louis XV of France Louis Tocqué (1696–1772) (circle of)Queen Marie Leszczyńska (1703–1768), Consort to Louis XV of France Windsor Guildhall
Charles I (1600–1649) 18th C British (English) SchoolCharles I (1600–1649) 18th C West Mercia Police Force Headquarters
William John Price, Mayor of Ludlow 1965–1967 John FaulknerWilliam John Price, Mayor of Ludlow 1965–1967 Ludlow Library & Museum Resource Centre
Queen Anne (1665–1714) 17th C Godfrey Kneller (1646–1723) (after)Queen Anne (1665–1714) 17th C Warwick Shire Hall
Mary Stephens Wells, née Davies (1762–1829), as Mrs Page William Hamilton (1751–1801)Mary Stephens Wells, née Davies (1762–1829), as Mrs Page Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1683–1737) c.1730 Michael Dahl (1659–1743) (style of)Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1683–1737) c.1730 Warwick Shire Hall
George II (1683–1760) c.1730 Michael Dahl (1659–1743) (style of)George II (1683–1760) c.1730 Warwick Shire Hall
Portrait of a Young Girl Wearing a Lace Collar c.1635–1640 Gerrit van Honthorst (c.1590–1592–1656) (style of)Portrait of a Young Girl Wearing a Lace Collar c.1635–1640 Victoria and Albert Museum