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Still Life in Kitchen Basil Ivan Rákóczi (1908–1979)Still Life in Kitchen Salford Museum & Art Gallery
Two Teas and a Plate of Sandwiches 1998 Sue Adsett (b.1970)Two Teas and a Plate of Sandwiches 1998 Harrogate Library
Still Life with Victorian Embroidery 1945 Joan Warburton (1920–1996)Still Life with Victorian Embroidery 1945 Rugby Art Gallery and Museum
Horticulture unknown artistHorticulture Glenside Hospital Museum
Still Life, Oil Paints and Pots 1949 Zygmunt Bukowski (1923–2006)Still Life, Oil Paints and Pots 1949 Edinburgh College of Art (University of Edinburgh)
Still Life with a Cucumber and Tomatoes George Clausen (1852–1944)Still Life with a Cucumber and Tomatoes City Art Centre
By Land 2021 Carrie Reichardt and Transported Art (founded 2012)By Land 2021 Central Park, Tawney Street, Boston, Lincolnshire
Tomatoes and Bananas 1934–1937 Grace Mary Woods (b.1909)Tomatoes and Bananas 1934–1937 Sheffield Museums
Interior of a Kitchen c.1934 Michael Leo Whelan (1892–1956)Interior of a Kitchen c.1934 Ulster Museum
Still Life with Tomatoes Dora Gordine (1895–1991)Still Life with Tomatoes Dorich House Museum