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Chapel Interior (Maker Church) G. W. TurpittChapel Interior (Maker Church) Mount Edgcumbe House
Professor David Green, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive 2008 Kathy Priddis (b.1948)Professor David Green, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive 2008 University of Worcester
King's Cross I (St Pancras), London 1994 Lucinda Gratton (b.1976)King's Cross I (St Pancras), London 1994 The University of Nottingham
Akrill's Passage, Lincoln Alfred Ernest White (1873–1953)Akrill's Passage, Lincoln Usher Gallery
Charles Causley (1917–2003) 1989 Peter Douglas Edwards (b.1955)Charles Causley (1917–2003) 1989 Launceston Town Hall
King's Manor 1987 Valerie Thornton (1931–1991)King's Manor 1987 The University of York
Church, Brant Broughton, Lincolnshire 1925 George Alfred Boden (1888–1956)Church, Brant Broughton, Lincolnshire 1925 Usher Gallery
Eve of St Agnes (Pensive Whilst She Dreams) 1920 Frederick George Swaish (1879–1931)Eve of St Agnes (Pensive Whilst She Dreams) 1920 Royal West of England Academy (RWA)
North Door, Notre Dame, Paris 1845 James Holland (1799–1870)North Door, Notre Dame, Paris 1845 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Bust of Izaak Walton 1893 F. L. CookeBust of Izaak Walton 1893 Staffordshire County Museum Service
Dr Johnson in Lichfield Cathedral 1891 John Fulleylove (1845–1908)Dr Johnson in Lichfield Cathedral 1891 Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
Two Doorways 1968 Frank Warren (1900–1984)Two Doorways 1968 Museum of Croydon
The Orphan 1876 Émile Auguste Hublin (1830–1891)The Orphan 1876 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Untitled 1956 unknown artistUntitled 1956 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
The Porch of Constantine Church Thomas Wood Holgate (1869–1954)The Porch of Constantine Church Falmouth Art Gallery
Castle Mills, York Thomas Guy (1847–1906)Castle Mills, York York Art Gallery
West End Gardens, Glasgow Bill Alston (1937–2011)West End Gardens, Glasgow University of Strathclyde
The Old Kirk, Alloa 1990s J. KnoxThe Old Kirk, Alloa 1990s Clackmannanshire Council Museum and Heritage Service
Monk Bar, York c.1832–c.1843 William Etty (1787–1849)Monk Bar, York c.1832–c.1843 York Art Gallery
Sketch for Coventry Cathedral Wall Panel c.1951 Basil Spence (1907–1976)Sketch for Coventry Cathedral Wall Panel c.1951 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum