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Sheep in a Wooded Landscape William Luker II (1867–1947) (attributed to)Sheep in a Wooded Landscape Hart District Council, Civic Offices
A Landscape with Cattle and Sheep Adriaen van de Velde (1636–1672)A Landscape with Cattle and Sheep Mount Edgcumbe House
Landscape with Cows 1848 Fanny Edgcumbe (1811–1899)Landscape with Cows 1848 Mount Edgcumbe House
The Pastoral Life 1958 Carel Victor Morlais Weight (1908–1997)The Pastoral Life 1958 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Summer Eclogue 1951 Robert Medley (1905–1994)Summer Eclogue 1951 The University of York
Pastoral Scene unknown artistPastoral Scene Whitby Museum
Jocelyn's Farm, Ripe, East Sussex c.1956 Vanessa Bell (1879–1961)Jocelyn's Farm, Ripe, East Sussex c.1956 The Resource Centre, Newark and Sherwood Museum Service
Sheep and Shepherd 1895 James Walsham Baldock (1822–1898)Sheep and Shepherd 1895 Bassetlaw District Council
Pastoral Scene 1918 Evelyn Cook (active 1897–1918)Pastoral Scene 1918 Museum of Lincolnshire Life
Moor Cliffe, Kynance 1953 Peter Lanyon (1918–1964)Moor Cliffe, Kynance 1953 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term 1632-3 Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665)A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term 1632-3 The National Gallery, London
Mountain Scene 17th C Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem (1620–1683) (imitator of)Mountain Scene 17th C Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Landscape with Figures and Cattle Adriaen van de Velde (1636–1672) and Jan Hackaert (1628–c.1685)Landscape with Figures and Cattle Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Cattle in Landscape 1868 Thomas Sidney Cooper (1803–1902)Cattle in Landscape 1868 Skipton Town Council
Pastoral 1887 Thomas Hope McLachlan (1845–1897)Pastoral 1887 Darlington Library
Rural Scene with Cows unknown artistRural Scene with Cows York Art Gallery
Pastoral Scene Dirck van den Bergen (1645?–1690)Pastoral Scene North Lincolnshire Museums
Pastoral Scene with Lake unknown artistPastoral Scene with Lake Eden Camp Modern History Theme Museum
Ruined Abbey by a River at Sunset 1850 Elizabeth Shepherd (1829–1893)Ruined Abbey by a River at Sunset 1850 York Castle Museum
Cattle in Landscape, Evening 1862 Thomas Sidney Cooper (1803–1902)Cattle in Landscape, Evening 1862 Nottingham City Museums & Galleries