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Owl and Clergyman Peter Unsworth (b.1937)Owl and Clergyman Harlow Art Trust: Basildon Arts Trust Collection, transferred from The Foundation for Essex Arts, 2022
The Wildlife of the Wetlands Helen ShackletonThe Wildlife of the Wetlands The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
Mr Warmington, Acting Master (1950–1951 & 1965–1966) Peter Greenham (1909–1992)Mr Warmington, Acting Master (1950–1951 & 1965–1966) Birkbeck, University of London
Self Portrait with Alan Davie 1985 John Bellany (1942–2013)Self Portrait with Alan Davie 1985 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Paola, Owl and Chair 1962 David McClure (1926–1998)Paola, Owl and Chair 1962 Dundee Art Galleries and Museums Collection (Dundee City Council)
The Owl and the Pussycat 1981–1983 Peter Blake (b.1932)The Owl and the Pussycat 1981–1983 Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
Still Life with a Jug 1966 David McClure (1926–1998)Still Life with a Jug 1966 Clackmannanshire Council Museum and Heritage Service
Wild Beasts in Bristol I c.2002 Terence Wilson-Fletcher (b.1959)Wild Beasts in Bristol I c.2002 University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
The Gates of Death 1969 John Bellany (1942–2013)The Gates of Death 1969 The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum
Portrait of an Unknown Lady unknown artistPortrait of an Unknown Lady Whitby Museum
O, P, Q, R 1993 unknown artistO, P, Q, R 1993 Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
James Boswell (1740–1795), Diarist and Biographer of Dr Samuel Johnson 1765 George Willison (1741–1797)James Boswell (1740–1795), Diarist and Biographer of Dr Samuel Johnson 1765 National Galleries of Scotland: Portrait
Francis Carruthers Gould (1844–1925), at His Desk 1899 Alec Carruthers Gould (1870–1948)Francis Carruthers Gould (1844–1925), at His Desk 1899 Barnstaple Guildhall
Tree and Birds 2002 Sally Court (b.1948)Tree and Birds 2002 St Mary’s Hospital
Two Owls in an Attic 1963 Alexander 'Sandy' Fraser (1940–2020)Two Owls in an Attic 1963 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Balcony James Harrigan (b.1937)Balcony Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Owlegarchy 1848 Alfred Priest (1810–1850)Owlegarchy 1848 Norfolk Museums Service
A Phrenologist Comparing His Own Head with a Phrenological Bust c.1900 (?) Albert William Holden (1848–1932)A Phrenologist Comparing His Own Head with a Phrenological Bust c.1900 (?) Wellcome Collection
Ely Emerges from the Last Ice Age c.1997 Ann Smith (b.1944)Ely Emerges from the Last Ice Age c.1997 Ely Museum
Nan Dunbar, Former President of the Senior Common Room (SCR) 1995 M. SparkesNan Dunbar, Former President of the Senior Common Room (SCR) 1995 Somerville College, University of Oxford