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Welcome to Bridgend Laserland Peter Trust (1936–2008)Welcome to Bridgend Laserland Princess of Wales Hospital
Cat 1973 Walenty Pytel (b.1941)Cat 1973 Stockport Museum
The Park Gavin Robson (b.1950)The Park The University of Nottingham
Clock with Cartoon Characters 20th C unknown artistClock with Cartoon Characters 20th C The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
A Tasty Morsel (My Cat Wife) Edward Bawden (1903–1989)A Tasty Morsel (My Cat Wife) Fry Art Gallery
Silver Puss by the Sea 1998 Peter Trust (1936–2008)Silver Puss by the Sea 1998 Royal Free Hospital
Mouse Tiger 2008 Dez Quarréll (b.1955)Mouse Tiger 2008 Mythstories
Basket of Flowers with Fruit Johannes Christianus Roedig (1751–1802)Basket of Flowers with Fruit The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Mouse Ran up the Clock 1930s unknown artistThe Mouse Ran up the Clock 1930s 32 Nethergate, City of Dundee
Peter Pan George James Frampton (1860–1928) and A. B. Burton (active 1874–1939)Peter Pan Kensington Gardens, Kensington, Westminster
A Boy with a Mousetrap and a Mouse Giacomo Francesco Cipper (1664–1736)A Boy with a Mousetrap and a Mouse National Trust, Stourhead
View over the Blue Mountains towards the Sea, New South Wales early 1880s Marianne North (1830–1890)View over the Blue Mountains towards the Sea, New South Wales early 1880s Marianne North Gallery
Tristwch yn Erwau Gleision 1988 Elwyn Ioan (b.1947)Tristwch yn Erwau Gleision 1988 Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales
Official Rat Catcher to the City of Birmingham 1927 Arthur Charles Shorthouse (1870–1953)Official Rat Catcher to the City of Birmingham 1927 Birmingham Museums Trust