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Pits to Peaks 1985 Chris Tunwell (b.1959) and Patients & Staff of the Occupational Therapy DeptPits to Peaks 1985 Chesterfield Royal Hospital
Sweat and Toil 1963 George Lambourn (1900–1977)Sweat and Toil 1963 New County Hall
Loading Point 1972 B. Sangster (active 1972–1973)Loading Point 1972 Durham County Council
The Last Shift Marjorie Arnfield (1930–2001)The Last Shift Ashfield Community Hospital
Breaking the Coal (c.1920) 1993 Marjorie Arnfield (1930–2001)Breaking the Coal (c.1920) 1993 Mansfield Community Hospital
Five Coal Miners 2009 Adam Ogden and Ann Wright and Victoria KendalFive Coal Miners 2009 Doncaster College: The Hub
Inclined Shaft, Ball Clay Mining, Peters Marland, North Devon 1981 Frederick C. B. Cox (b.1939)Inclined Shaft, Ball Clay Mining, Peters Marland, North Devon 1981 Ball Clay Heritage Society
Tower Colliery Miner c.1999 James Donovan (b.1974)Tower Colliery Miner c.1999 University of Wales Trinity Saint David
1812 George Hector (active 1972–2006)1812
Manton Colliery, Nottinghamshire 1915 H. FrenchManton Colliery, Nottinghamshire 1915 Bassetlaw District Council
The Durham County Council Centenary 1989 Julian Cooper (b.1947)The Durham County Council Centenary 1989 Durham County Council
After the Winding Thomas William Leonard (b.1947)After the Winding The World of Glass
Horse and Haulier Underground Arthur JonesHorse and Haulier Underground Abertillery & District Museum
The Holman Test Mine 1949 Terence Tenison Cuneo (1907–1996)The Holman Test Mine 1949 Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Miners Singing 1950–1951 Josef Herman (1911–2000)Miners Singing 1950–1951 National Museum Cardiff
'Under the coaly Tyne' 1887 John Hodgson Campbell (1855–1927)'Under the coaly Tyne' 1887 The North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
The Miners' Strike (Yorkshire) 1985 Georg Eisler (1928–1998)The Miners' Strike (Yorkshire) 1985 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
The Collier 1933 Albert Anthony Houthuesen (1903–1979)The Collier 1933 Sheffield Museums
Ball Clay Mining, Kingsteignton, Devon 1995 Frederick C. B. Cox (b.1939)Ball Clay Mining, Kingsteignton, Devon 1995 Ball Clay Heritage Society
Ball Clay Mining, Kingsteignton, Devon 1995 Frederick C. B. Cox (b.1939)Ball Clay Mining, Kingsteignton, Devon 1995 Ball Clay Heritage Society