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Oryx and Bird AllyOryx and Bird Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Sleeping Cat Ruskin Spear (1911–1990)Sleeping Cat Somerset Heritage Centre
Lion Cubs, Suspicion c.1923 William Walls (1860–1942)Lion Cubs, Suspicion c.1923 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Moonset 2001 Anthony Michael Crosse (b.1944)Moonset 2001 Medway Maritime Hospital
Dioramas of Pleistocene, 'Dicerorphinus kirchbergensis (merckii anctt)', (Interglacial Forest Rhinoceros) Margaret ('Marjorie') Maitland Howard (1898–1983)Dioramas of Pleistocene, 'Dicerorphinus kirchbergensis (merckii anctt)', (Interglacial Forest Rhinoceros) UCL Art Museum
Female Animal 1978–2006 Lorna Graves (1947–2006)Female Animal 1978–2006 Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Nala's Causeway 1992 Dez Quarréll (b.1955)Nala's Causeway 1992 Mythstories
A Wolf Jan Fyt (1611–1661)A Wolf National Galleries of Scotland: National
A River Scene with Figures 18th C Salvator Rosa (1615–1673) (after)A River Scene with Figures 18th C National Galleries of Scotland: National
Spot the Red Dog Ross Wilson (b.1958)Spot the Red Dog Northern Ireland Civil Service
Pulman Statuette Sophia Rosamond Praeger (1867–1954)Pulman Statuette Ulster Museum
Megatherium 1852–1855 Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins (1807–1894)Megatherium 1852–1855 Crystal Palace Park, Bromley
Otter 2007 Fiona Bowley (b.1961)Otter 2007 Waddington Road, Clitheroe, Lancashire