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Digging for Roots 1949 Josef Herman (1911–2000)Digging for Roots 1949 York Art Gallery
A Harvest Field 1890 George Vicat Cole (1833–1893)A Harvest Field 1890 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Midday Rest 1878 Robert Cree Crawford (1842–1924)Midday Rest 1878 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
A Man and a Youth ploughing with Oxen probably 1650-5 Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem (1620–1683)A Man and a Youth ploughing with Oxen probably 1650-5 The National Gallery, London
Harvest Scene 1885–1899 George Lilly Anderson (b.1870)Harvest Scene 1885–1899 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
End O'Day c.1904 James William Booth (1867–1953)End O'Day c.1904 Nottingham City Museums & Galleries
Harvesting 1857 John Linnell (1792–1882)Harvesting 1857 Nottingham City Museums & Galleries
River with Cattle Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740–1812)River with Cattle Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Haymaking, Parliament Hill Robert Finlay McIntyre (c.1846–1906)Haymaking, Parliament Hill Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
Hill Farm 1958–1959 Catriona Barnett (1934–1972)Hill Farm 1958–1959 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Hay Cart Pulled by Two Horses c.1920 John Atkinson II (1863–1924)Hay Cart Pulled by Two Horses c.1920 Pannett Art Gallery
Site Work near Birmingham 1960 P. A. TaylorSite Work near Birmingham 1960 Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery
Landscape with Trees and a Man at Work 1899 William Henry Hope (1835–1917)Landscape with Trees and a Man at Work 1899 Museum of Croydon
The Clay Pit 1923 Harold Charles Harvey (1874–1941)The Clay Pit 1923 Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Harvest, Angus 1936 James McBey (1883–1959)Harvest, Angus 1936 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
The Way Home 1930 William Shackleton (1872–1933)The Way Home 1930 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Barmouth Bay 1931 Henry Hadfield Cubley (1858–1934)Barmouth Bay 1931 Newark Town Hall Museum and Art Gallery
A Cotswold Farm 1930–1 Gilbert Spencer (1892–1979)A Cotswold Farm 1930–1 Tate