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Reginald Heber (1783–1826), Bishop of Calcutta (1822–1826) c.1822 Thomas Phillips (1770–1845)Reginald Heber (1783–1826), Bishop of Calcutta (1822–1826) c.1822 British Library
Wing Commander Guy Gibson (1918–1944) Maurice Whinney (1911–1997?)Wing Commander Guy Gibson (1918–1944) Helston Guildhall
Sir Richard Edgcumbe (1639–1688) Peter Lely (1618–1680)Sir Richard Edgcumbe (1639–1688) Mount Edgcumbe House
William Henry, 4th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe (1832–1917) Russell SouthseaWilliam Henry, 4th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe (1832–1917) Mount Edgcumbe House
Old Bedale Ray Todd (b.1931)Old Bedale Bedale Hall
Charles Trench (1772–1847) 19th C British SchoolCharles Trench (1772–1847) 19th C Lotherton Hall, Leeds Museums and Galleries
T. Vincent Jackson (c.1836–1901), Surgeon, Mayor of Wolverhampton (1886–1887) 1902 Lance Calkin (1859–1936)T. Vincent Jackson (c.1836–1901), Surgeon, Mayor of Wolverhampton (1886–1887) 1902 New Cross Hospital
Self Portrait Wakefield Chapman (1790–1863)Self Portrait Whitby Museum
Sir William Hardies c.1720 unknown artistSir William Hardies c.1720 Fairfax House
Portrait of a Gentleman Dressed in Black c.1680 Frans van Mieris the elder (1635–1681) (school of)Portrait of a Gentleman Dressed in Black c.1680 Fairfax House
Portrait of a Gentleman, Holding a Red Rose 17th C British (English) SchoolPortrait of a Gentleman, Holding a Red Rose 17th C Mount Edgcumbe House
Sir Philip Edgcumbe, Age 67 Isaac Fuller (c.1606–1672)Sir Philip Edgcumbe, Age 67 Mount Edgcumbe House
John Passmore Edwards (1823–1911), Honorary Freeman 19th C British SchoolJohn Passmore Edwards (1823–1911), Honorary Freeman 19th C Truro City Council Municipal Buildings
Dr Richard Frewin (1681–1759) unknown artistDr Richard Frewin (1681–1759) Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Richard Trew (1793–1874), Mayor of Axbridge 1867 William Baker (1824–1870)Richard Trew (1793–1874), Mayor of Axbridge 1867 King John's Hunting Lodge
The Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), MP 1870–1880 Francis Grant (1803–1878) (after)The Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), MP 1870–1880 County Hall, Aylesbury
Portrait of a Gentleman in Georgian Dress 1780 Thomas Beach (1738–1806)Portrait of a Gentleman in Georgian Dress 1780 Ludlow Library & Museum Resource Centre
Robert Home (c.1794–1867), Town Clerk 1865 Daniel Macnee (1806–1882)Robert Home (c.1794–1867), Town Clerk 1865 Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Hall
J. Darlington c.1884 G. R. StubbsJ. Darlington c.1884 Warwickshire Museum Service
Portrait of an Unknown Man 19th C unknown artistPortrait of an Unknown Man 19th C Warwick Shire Hall