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Asparas Figure 1195–1205 unknown artistAsparas Figure 1195–1205 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Untitled 1970 Joyce W. Cairns (b.1947)Untitled 1970 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Fragment from the 'Temple Pyx' c.1140–1150 unknown artistFragment from the 'Temple Pyx' c.1140–1150 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
The Laughing Parson c.1924 Charles Spencelayh (1865–1958)The Laughing Parson c.1924 Grundy Art Gallery
A Real Work of Art 1993 Mark Wallinger (b.1959)A Real Work of Art 1993 British Council Collection
Dream of Flying III 1962 David McClure (1926–1998)Dream of Flying III 1962 The Argyll Collection
Corbel Depicting a Female at Prayer 800–1200 unknown artistCorbel Depicting a Female at Prayer 800–1200 English Heritage, Helmsley Archaeological Store
What's for Pudding Today? Margaret Gere (1878–1965)What's for Pudding Today? The Wilson
Mrs Elizabeth Lockhart 1948 Alberto Morrocco (1917–1998)Mrs Elizabeth Lockhart 1948 University of Aberdeen
Tomb Sculpture of a Man 618–906 (?) unknown artistTomb Sculpture of a Man 618–906 (?) York Art Gallery
Horse 618–906 (?) unknown artistHorse 618–906 (?) York Art Gallery
The Spirit of the Tree Root Carving unknown artistThe Spirit of the Tree Root Carving Ilfracombe Museum
Self Portrait with Toys 2018 Eileen Cooper (b.1953)Self Portrait with Toys 2018 The Ruth Borchard Collection
Poor Relations 1875 George Goodwin Kilburne (1839–1924)Poor Relations 1875 Walker Art Gallery
Easter Ernest Herbert Whydale (1886–1952)Easter Royston Museum
The Red Squirrel 1941 William George Gillies (1898–1973)The Red Squirrel 1941 Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture
Standing Male 1801–1900 unknown artistStanding Male 1801–1900 Science Museum
Monster and Attendant 13th–17th C unknown artistMonster and Attendant 13th–17th C National Museum of Scotland
Bodhisattva Guanyin 907–1125 Chinese SchoolBodhisattva Guanyin 907–1125 Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
Figurine 16th C–17th C unknown artistFigurine 16th C–17th C Abbotsford House