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Restless Sites 2006 Gemma Hawkes (b.1983)Restless Sites 2006 Coventry University
A Flood probably 1870-5 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796–1875)A Flood probably 1870-5 The National Gallery, London
Newcastle c.1955 Anthony John Plowden Eyton (b.1923)Newcastle c.1955 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
The Rib, Standon, 1939 1939 Charles Ginner (1878–1952)The Rib, Standon, 1939 1939 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Night Scene, Royal Spa c.1910 Wilfred Jenkins (1857–1936)Night Scene, Royal Spa c.1910 The Mercer Art Gallery, Harrogate
A Steady Drizzle Norman Garstin (1847–1926)A Steady Drizzle Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery