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Listen to the Choir David Brightmore (b.1942)Listen to the Choir Mold Town Hall
Willis Organ at Alexandra Palace 1982 Margaret Stella Murray Whatley (1942–2019)Willis Organ at Alexandra Palace 1982 Bruce Castle Museum
The German Choir 1991 Anthony Lowe (b.1957)The German Choir 1991 University of Sheffield, Heritage Collection
The Choir Boys of St Paul's School 1938 W. J. Titley (active late 19th C–early )The Choir Boys of St Paul's School 1938 Shipley Art Gallery
Unto Us a Child is Born Walter Percival Starmer (1877–1961)Unto Us a Child is Born Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Sunday Morning, Wordsley Church, Stourbridge 1900 Martha Alice Richardson (c.1860–1935)Sunday Morning, Wordsley Church, Stourbridge 1900 Dudley Museums Service
St Paul's Cathedral Choirboys 1976 Daphne WakefieldSt Paul's Cathedral Choirboys 1976 St Paul's Cathedral
Peter Chapman 2009 Stephen Shankland (b.1971)Peter Chapman 2009 St Paul's Cathedral
Choir Boys 1891 William Frederick Yeames (1835–1918)Choir Boys 1891 Ulster Museum
Nave of the Church of St James, Antwerp 1833 or before Charles Wild (1781–1835)Nave of the Church of St James, Antwerp 1833 or before Brampton Museum