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Bolted Fence 1973–1977 Prunella Clough (1919–1999)Bolted Fence 1973–1977 The Fitzwilliam Museum
Lock on the Lagan Canal (Newforge) Doris Violet Blair (1915–2011)Lock on the Lagan Canal (Newforge) Ulster Transport Museum
View along Hilton Terrace c.1840 Oliver Ussinson Hodgson (1810–1878)View along Hilton Terrace c.1840 The Beacon Museum
Thomas Wilkinson's House at Yanwath c.1822–1829 Jacob Thompson (1806–1879)Thomas Wilkinson's House at Yanwath c.1822–1829 Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum
Brean Down 1967 Peter Coate (1926–2016)Brean Down 1967 Royal West of England Academy (RWA)