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Spanish Girl 1935 Kenneth Rowntree (1915–1997)Spanish Girl 1935 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Untitled 2003 Richard Barrett (b.1979)Untitled 2003 Falmouth University
A Corner of the Gardens of the Villa Borghese 1876 Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836–1912)A Corner of the Gardens of the Villa Borghese 1876 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Orchard in Blossom c.1930–c.1950 (?) Doris Boulton-Maude (1893–1961)Orchard in Blossom c.1930–c.1950 (?) Chelmsford Museum Store
Weeding the Path c.1950 Jean Young (1914–1995)Weeding the Path c.1950 Derbyshire & Derby School Library Service
Still Life, Blossoms c.1963 Edward Middleditch (1923–1987)Still Life, Blossoms c.1963 Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries
Aboyne, Aberdeenshire 2000 Judith M. McLarenAboyne, Aberdeenshire 2000 University of Aberdeen
In Full Blossom 1889 William Hunt (active 1888–1911)In Full Blossom 1889 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Flowers and Butterflies Dorcie Sykes (1908–1998)Flowers and Butterflies West Cornwall Hospital
A White Blossom Tree John Osborne (b.1939)A White Blossom Tree Essex County Council
Apple Blossom Domenico D. J. Barnett (1839–1911)Apple Blossom The Wilson
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow 2007 Staff and Patients of the Forget-Me-Not CentreHere Today, Gone Tomorrow 2007 Victoria Centre
Spring, Farringford, Isle of Wight 1948 Henry Clarence Whaite (1895–1978)Spring, Farringford, Isle of Wight 1948 Pallant House Gallery
The Coming of Bride 1917 John Duncan (1866–1945)The Coming of Bride 1917 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
A Festal Day c.1936 Herbert Davis Richter (1874–1955)A Festal Day c.1936 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Chestnut Farm, Jersey 1945 Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook (1907–1978)Chestnut Farm, Jersey 1945 Sir Francis Cook Gallery
The Loves of the Plants 2003 Derek Hampson (b.1952)The Loves of the Plants 2003 The University of Nottingham
Bevy of Swans mid-1990s Anne Toms (b.1944)Bevy of Swans mid-1990s St Mary’s Hospital
Four Seasons: Spring 1985 Anne Toms (b.1944)Four Seasons: Spring 1985 St Mary’s Hospital
April Sunshine, Willoughby, Warwickshire 1950s Argent Brierley (1893–1960)April Sunshine, Willoughby, Warwickshire 1950s Rugby Art Gallery and Museum