A Swedish Lake Scene 1873 Olof Hermelin (1820–1913)A Swedish Lake Scene 1873 Victoria and Albert Museum
Beehives in the Snow, Sweden 1913 William Whitehead Ratcliffe (1870–1955)Beehives in the Snow, Sweden 1913 Government Art Collection
The Swedish Dyehouse 1893 Richard Jack (1866–1952)The Swedish Dyehouse 1893 Moorlands House, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
From the Town Hall, Stockholm 1936 Robin Darwin (1910–1974)From the Town Hall, Stockholm 1936 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Never Eat Shredded Wheat (Memory Maps), German, Male, 33 1996 Mariele Neudecker (b.1965)Never Eat Shredded Wheat (Memory Maps), German, Male, 33 1996 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Swedish Landscape 1934 Edgar Rowley Smart (1887–1934)Swedish Landscape 1934 Keele University Art Collection
Saint Bridget of Sweden Tommaso Manzuoli (1531–1571)Saint Bridget of Sweden York Art Gallery