Shipping off Ryde 1854 John Wilson Carmichael (1799–1868)Shipping off Ryde 1854 Sir Max Aitken Museum
Racing off Ryde Claude Buckle (1905–1973)Racing off Ryde National Railway Museum
Buckingham Villa, Ryde, Sunset on the Solent from the Garden E. Gordon DavidgeBuckingham Villa, Ryde, Sunset on the Solent from the Garden Isle of Wight Council Heritage Service
Ernest Groves, Mayor of Ryde (1895–1897) 1895–1900 unknown artistErnest Groves, Mayor of Ryde (1895–1897) 1895–1900 Isle of Wight Council Heritage Service
Shipping off Ryde 1871 George Gregory (1849–1938)Shipping off Ryde 1871 Isle of Wight Council Heritage Service