Scene on the Tummel, Perthshire 1844 Thomas Creswick (1811–1869)Scene on the Tummel, Perthshire 1844 Victoria and Albert Museum
Falls of Rogie near Garve, Perthshire 1937 Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook (1907–1978)Falls of Rogie near Garve, Perthshire 1937 Sir Francis Cook Gallery
Study of Rocks and Ferns, Crossmount, Perthshire 1847 John Ruskin (1819–1900)Study of Rocks and Ferns, Crossmount, Perthshire 1847 Abbot Hall
Highland Cattle, Perthshire 1866 Peter Graham (1836–1921)Highland Cattle, Perthshire 1866 Manchester Art Gallery
A Perthshire Stream John Patrick Downie (1871–1945)A Perthshire Stream Perth Art Gallery (managed by Culture Perth and Kinross)
The River Dochert, at Killin, Perthshire c.1867 (?) William Beattie Brown (1831–1909)The River Dochert, at Killin, Perthshire c.1867 (?) Gallery Oldham
Falls of the Tummell 1816 Patrick Nasmyth (1787–1831)Falls of the Tummell 1816 Tate
Comrie, Perthshire c.1900 Samuel John Peploe (1871–1935)Comrie, Perthshire c.1900 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums