Wreck Warbeth 1986 Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1912–2004)Wreck Warbeth 1986 The Pier Arts Centre
Easdale 1928 James McIntosh Patrick (1907–1998)Easdale 1928 Dundee Art Galleries and Museums Collection (Dundee City Council)
Study for 'HM Queen Elizabeth II outside St Magnus Cathedral' 1960 Stanley Cursiter (1887–1976)Study for 'HM Queen Elizabeth II outside St Magnus Cathedral' 1960 The Pier Arts Centre
From The Pier Arts Centre, Stromness (Blue) 1984–1986 Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1912–2004)From The Pier Arts Centre, Stromness (Blue) 1984–1986 The Pier Arts Centre
Evie, Burgar Rost Robert Gallon (1845–1925)Evie, Burgar Rost Orkney Museum
Skipi Geo with Gulls Peter McLaren (b.1964)Skipi Geo with Gulls Kirkcaldy Galleries
Broken Roof and Rackwick Valley 1967–1970 Sylvia Wishart (1936–2008)Broken Roof and Rackwick Valley 1967–1970 Aberdeen Art Gallery