Laying the Copper Roof, St Michael's Church, Letchworth 1967 Robin Mackertich (1922–1994)Laying the Copper Roof, St Michael's Church, Letchworth 1967 North Hertfordshire Museum
Harold Gilman's House at Letchworth 1912 Spencer Gore (1878–1914)Harold Gilman's House at Letchworth 1912 Government Art Collection
The Junction of Meadow Way and Souberie Avenue, Letchworth c.1946 Francis King (1905–2001)The Junction of Meadow Way and Souberie Avenue, Letchworth c.1946 Garden City Collection Study Centre
The Palace Cinema, Letchworth c.1946 Francis King (1905–2001)The Palace Cinema, Letchworth c.1946 Garden City Collection Study Centre
Sollershott Hall, Letchworth E. J. FinnimoreSollershott Hall, Letchworth Garden City Collection Study Centre
Letchworth Station Spencer Gore (1878–1914)Letchworth Station National Railway Museum
The Arena, Letchworth c.1946 Francis King (1905–2001)The Arena, Letchworth c.1946 Garden City Collection Study Centre
The Demolition of Dimsdale Place, Letchworth Joyce C. HoldenThe Demolition of Dimsdale Place, Letchworth Garden City Collection Study Centre