The Sending Off, Hull Branch Morris Furman (1914–1999)The Sending Off, Hull Branch Kohima Museum
Ferens Art Gallery 1980 Don Micklethwaite (b.1936)Ferens Art Gallery 1980 Ferens Art Gallery
The Surrender of the Sword of State to HM Queen Elizabeth II on Her Arrival at Kingston upon Hull on 4 August 1969 1970 Terence Tenison Cuneo (1907–1996)The Surrender of the Sword of State to HM Queen Elizabeth II on Her Arrival at Kingston upon Hull on 4 August 1969 1970 Hull Guildhall
Wigan versus Hull 1962 James Lawrence Isherwood (1917–1989)Wigan versus Hull 1962 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
'George' the Blacksmith, Dairycoates Engine Shed, Hull 1949 Harold Whitaker'George' the Blacksmith, Dairycoates Engine Shed, Hull 1949 National Railway Museum
Drypool from North Bridge c.1960 Margaret Parker (1925–2012)Drypool from North Bridge c.1960 The University of York
Queen Victoria Square, Hull 1935 James Ashton (1859–1935)Queen Victoria Square, Hull 1935 Ferens Art Gallery
Hull from the Humber 1839 T. L. RobertsHull from the Humber 1839 Hull Maritime Museum
Hull Packet Trio 1826–1849 William Griffin (1800–1883)Hull Packet Trio 1826–1849 Hull Maritime Museum
Ships on the Humber and the South Blockhouse, Hull c.1835 John Ward (1798–1849)Ships on the Humber and the South Blockhouse, Hull c.1835 Hull Maritime Museum
Hull from the Humber (The Buoy Yacht 'Zephyr') c.1837 John Ward (1798–1849)Hull from the Humber (The Buoy Yacht 'Zephyr') c.1837 Ferens Art Gallery
Blacksmith's Shop, Dairycoates Shed, Hull 1949 Harold WhitakerBlacksmith's Shop, Dairycoates Shed, Hull 1949 National Railway Museum
Dairycoates Engine Shed, Hull 1949 Harold WhitakerDairycoates Engine Shed, Hull 1949 National Railway Museum
The Pier, Kingston upon Hull 1922 Thomas Jacques Somerscales (1842–1927)The Pier, Kingston upon Hull 1922 Ferens Art Gallery