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Carthaginian noblewoman.
A Captive Maiden (Scipio and Sophonisba: The Triumph of Chastity) William Woodworth (1749–1787)A Captive Maiden (Scipio and Sophonisba: The Triumph of Chastity) Victoria Gallery & Museum
Death of Sophonisba Herman van der Myn (1684–1741)Death of Sophonisba Colchester and Ipswich Museums Service: Ipswich Borough Council Collection
Sophonisba or Artemisia (?) 17th C Italian SchoolSophonisba or Artemisia (?) 17th C Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
The Death of Sophonisba 1665–1667 Nicolas Régnier (c.1590–1667) (attributed to)The Death of Sophonisba 1665–1667 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Sophonisba Taking Poison c.1743 Andrea Casali (1705–1784)Sophonisba Taking Poison c.1743 Runcorn Town Hall